Friday 4 May 2012

Well here goes.......I'm Julie, not sure what else to say right now not used to all this blogging business yet. Most of the time I just like to follow other peoples blogs. I'm a 42 year old mother of four and nan to a five month old baby boy. I like to craft in my spare time..... I say spare time, I seem to have lots of that at the moment, I used to be a bus driver until last July but due to ill health had to stop driving for a while. I think I may have an obsession for buying crafty things lol, which I'm sure lots of people can relate to. As soon as I can upload photos of my cards and craft projects.. lets say experiments I will do so. Well thats all I can think of to say right now I will try and pop by tomorrow I do hope I can make a few friends on here Bye for now Julie x